Friday, September 25, 2009

There's a video game out there called Plants vs. Zombies. It looks very fun and cute but I have not bought it because my home computer told me one day, "Captain! I do'na think she can take ennymore!" when I tried to have my browser AND Microsoft Word AND MS Excel open all at the same time.

The game does look cute though. And it has a real earworm (in a good way) of a theme song:

"I used to play football!" "Traffic cone protects my head!" "I have a screen-door shield!" Silly and random and I love it.

Darn it, I'm gonna be singing, "There's a zombie on your lawn" in my head all day.

(The chorus is just slightly similar to the sing-songy "Yvan eht nioj" of an old Simpsons' episode)


CGHill said...

Geez, but that's infectious. I think I've played it five times now.

(Who knew that brains were rich in cholesterol?)

Big Alice said...

I forked out the money for it, and I admit I love it. SO MUCH FUN, and it doesn't feel like you're constantly messing up. Plus how could you hate a game with a Zomboni & Zombie Jamaican Bobsled Team?
(also Considering how many hours I spent playing bejeweled for free, I figured I could spare the $20. ($10? I forget))