Friday, August 14, 2009

Well, I found out why I never got my paper back to revise.

The editor is still waiting on one of the reviewers to send back his/her comments.

Seriously? This person had JUST UNDER A YEAR to do this. I was taught, when I was in grad school, that you return a review in NO MORE THAN three weeks. I know my adviser was a stickler for doing things the "proper" way, but I think a year is a little excessive to wait.

I was also taught that if you didn't think you'd have time to do it, you tell the editor you don't have time and ask them or help them to find someone else who can do it.

(I mean, seriously: who doesn't have a couple hours some weekend to read a stinking 12 page paper and make comments on it?)

Oh well. At least it sounds like it's still accepted. Or at least I hope so. I hope this last reviewer's comments don't sink the paper.

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