Thursday, August 20, 2009

There's this cute thing folks on Ravelry are doing - making little cartoons of themselves in 50s style (it is related to the show Mad Men, which I admit I don't watch).

But I decided to waste a few minutes (I have to go to a meeting at 3:30 and I didn't really have time to do much else). I tried to make it look as much like I think I look as the choices permitted.

And yes, darnit, I'm wearing gloves. If 50s style were back in style I'd totally wear gloves, at least when I wasn't in lab. (And I'd wear hats, too, though none of the ones on offer at that site would work with the hairstyle closest to my own)

(Want your own? here)

1 comment:

alh said...

Cute, I'm going to make one know as I'm taking a break from prepping lectures. Also, you should totally watch madmen. It's a great show. :)