Thursday, August 27, 2009

Argh. Reading student "position papers" on "should sweet treats like cupcakes be banned from schools, in light of childhood obesity issues" is playing on all MY issues right now.

How can people so young be so blue-nosed? Honestly? Children should NEVER be allowed to eat cupcakes? Lunch ladies who are overweight should be fired b/c they set "a bad example"?


CGHill said...

When I was a student, I had no business having any positions.

Spike said...

Yeah, these are some pretty hot buttons. I can see how yours would be pushed from several directions. I'm not even reading these papers and I feel vaguely irritated by the simplistic reasoning.

However, it's easy to see the world in black and white terms if you haven't seen much of it. If all your experience has been being young and skinny, it's hard to see how anyone would "allow" themselves to become overweight. If you've never had kids to raise and teach, it's easy to say, "well, just don't let them see any bad examples and tell them to 'just say no.' " (Heck, it worked sooooo well in the War Against Drugs, right? < /sarcastic tone >

You're one of the people who is there to help expand these young'un's horizons. Unfortunately, you're the one who gets to beat on their shells with a hammer to help them do so. You don't get to see the wise and compassionate people these bluenoses will grow into, eventually.