Friday, July 03, 2009

I finished all the dang soil samples this morning. Now if I still want to go antiquing, I can. (I don't know; it's very nearly noon, it's hot, and I do have to find time to practice today).

I'm also feeling a little unhappy because there is an interpersonal thing - with which I am tangentially involved - that is probably going to boil over into something rather unpleasant in the coming week. (Just a warning. If I don't post for a couple days it will be because I am just too distraught. Or, on the other hand, if I go into 19-posts-a-day mode, it may also be because I am distraught.) I am very bad at interpersonal stuff when it's the sort of unreasonable stuff that I anticipate happening. (Sometimes I wonder if I am part Vulcan; I do not understand humans when they get irrationally angry about minor things. I have also had the odd situation of someone I know calling me up and leaving a rambling message where he apologized if he "hurt my feelings" because of something he had said at a meeting we were at several days previously...and I couldn't even remember the thing that he feared had hurt my feelings. I always thought I was kind of thin-skinned, but maybe I've outgrown that. It actually does take quite a lot to hurt my feelings, because I tend to tell myself, "You're being unreasonable" when I feel hurt over some stupid thing someone says. I also operate on the "Never attribute to malice that which can be explained by stupidity" principle).

I am getting close to finishing the first of the pansy-print pillowcases; I finished all the green outline stitch of the leaves last night and only the little "fence" or "edging" or whatever it is along the bottom remains.

I also started cutting the pieces for the quilt using the Folklore fabrics I posted about early last month. I am having to alter the pattern slightly; off-center cutting (on the part of whoever it was who originally prepared the fat quarters when I bought them) meant that one or two didn't have a square, 18" by 18" section. So I'm going down to 17" by 17" inch squares, which will only reduce the quilt 3" in width and 4" in length - not enough to worry about. I also had to sub one fabric - I had a red small check (not shown in the photos) that turned out to be a long 1/4 yard piece I had already cut into - not leaving enough, even with piecing, to get a 17 by 17 square. The good news is I found a piece of "folkloric" looking fabric (a stripe with "naive" flowers and vines) in the same colors in my stash. (That, my friends, is why you have an extensive stash.) So the only one I will need to piece will be the chunk of fabric leftover from the childhood dress - which you better believe I would not leave out of the quilt if there was any way I could get it in.

I have most of the big squares cut - this is going to be a fast quilt. (I do still have to piece that one block).

I decided to do this next/along side of the current quilt, because the yellow fabric that I want to use as sashing is a big piece, and the rest of it may well become the binding on the quilt currently in the frame, which I am drawing ever nearer (but slowly) to finishing.

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