Friday, July 10, 2009

Ever had one of those days where about half of what you say comes out wrong and makes someone irritated with you, or when you seem not to be able to communicate?

Sometimes I wonder if there's something wrong with me; about 3 or 4 times a month I have a day where I wind up inadvertently ticking people off with stuff I say. It's not on purpose and I don't realize they're going to react badly.

see more Lolcats and funny pictures


Lynn said...

Hah! I like that one. I think we all have days like that. Well, all us normal people anyway.

Big Alice said...

Yeah, I get those too. I hope the day went quickly at least, and hooray at least it is FRIDAY!

I get other days when all of humanity I have to cope with in person just irritates the crud out of me. Fortunately those can usually be headphone days.

I must be feeling sick, because I am looking forward to cleaning this weekend. Cleaning and straightening, yessirree. And maybe a little knitting on the side.