Thursday, July 23, 2009

Bird's Nest Shawl is DONE!

I finished it last night - knit the last few rows, wove in the ends (and there were EXTRA ends to weave in, seeing as a couple of the balls of yarn had knots in them that I had to untie and then start the end anew), soaked it in lavender-water, and then set it out to block:

blocking Bird's Nest

I'll post "action" shots of it being worn as soon as it's all dried - possibly this evening.

This was a fairly nice knit to do - not tiny little yarn, and a pattern that wasn't so complex you needed a whole bunch of tools to keep track of it. (I just used a row-counter and a post-it note on the pattern showing which row I was doing). It is also one where the patterns are "separate" (where they don't flow into each other) so I could set off each segment with a stitch marker to keep from making mistakes.

The yarn is Elann's "Far East Collection" pure camel hair yarn. The original shawl in the pattern was made using cashmere, but there's no way I could afford/was paying for cashmere. The camel seems like a reasonable compromise.

The shawl will be very warm; I could tell that when I had it spread out on my lap to tie in all the ends.

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