Tuesday, June 30, 2009

I hate my brain sometimes.

Last night, I had a dream that someone I cared a whole lot about was dying, and there was nothing I could do - all I could do was wait for the final bad news.

Which resulted in my lying in bed at 3:30 in the morning (once I woke up) and wondering if it was worth it to try to go back to sleep for the remaining hour and a half, or if I should just say "bag it" and get up and do my exercise extra early for today.

(Ultimately, I tried to sleep again. Which resulted in my dreaming that my brother's kidneys were failing, and I was rushing to the hospital to see if I was a donor match, and feeling very sad and conflicted - on one hand, I couldn't NOT save my brother's life; on the other, the thought of the surgery terrified me. Which really did not help my mood today).

Well, I tried to put it out of my mind - if everything we dreamed actually happened this would be a mighty strange world indeed. But during class, I began thinking about it again. And began feeling very, I don't know, premonition-y? Like, "I'm going to go back to my office and there is going to be a Very Bad News phone call or e-mail waiting for me). It was almost unbearable finishing class. (Stupid brain).

So I rushed back here - no phone messages. It took some gutting up to check my e-mail (which is how I'd likely get the bad news in this case).

But I did. The only new e-mail was a spammy advertisement from Land's End.

Stupid brain. Why do you do this to me? Why can't I have dreams like normal people? About puppies or vacations or "dating" George Clooney (to keep it G rated here). What is it with all the armageddoney stuff all of a sudden? If you keep doing this to me, I WILL sit up all night watching television just to spite you.


Lynn said...

It's too bad you don't like science fiction. Feed your brain enough of that and you get lots of sci-fi dreams that are too weird to relate to the real world in any way. :-)

Lydia said...

Ugh. That unsettled feeling is so unpleasant.