For one thing, it's going to be quite beautiful (if a bit hot) today, and after the rainy spring it will be nice to be out in the sun.
And I need a batting - preferably cotton - for the someday-to-be-hand-quilted Zen Clouds quilt. (My mom, when I described my idea to her, responded that (a) she could see no reason why it would not work and (b) there are no Quilt Police to enforce doing things the 'expected' way. So I think I'm going to give it a try.)
And I want to look for a shadowbox or perhaps some kind of bigger box to hang on the wall - either to hold my Re-Ment collection, or, if I can find something "just right," to be a permanent home for Wilbur.
And I just really want a nice day out at McKinney before the busy-ness of Summer Semester starts. I have one manuscript written (well, as far as I could get it written; I'm waiting on a couple of Inter Library Loan articles to see if they contain any further information I need to include) last week; next week I am doing the second soil-critter sampling (and that work my slop over onto next Saturday as well).
So this is the best day to do this.
Speaking of Wilbur (and of Re-Ment), he wants to know how you like your steaks cooked?
Hahahaha. I've been wanting to take a picture like that since I first got the little bbq grill. He SHOULD have a little apron that says "Kiss the Cook" or something similar on it, but I just haven't had time to make one for him.
(It's a little hard to see but there's a tiny ear of corn, and a shiskebab, and a steak. And he's holding a tiny pair of tongs. And next to him (from a different set) is a bucket of "ice" with pineapple and orange drinks in it. The detail on these things is really incredible.)
Oooo, tell him to put another ear of corn on for me! (Big Wilbur fan here ;)
I would've loved these as a child. I used to have very small dolls (Dawn dolls?) as well as rubber frogs and other animals you could get out of gumball machines. I used to pretend tree stumps were their homes and spent hours "furnishing" the stumps with "moss" carpets and whatnot.
-- Grace in MA
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