Monday, May 11, 2009

I had a student in (arguing about a grade, sigh), who then dropped the question:

"So....who was it in our class that plagiarized?"

Seriously, dude? You're asking me that? Have you not heard of FERPA - and even without FERPA, in which bearded-Spock universe would it be OK for me to share that information?

The fact that he dropped it oh-so-casually, I think with the thought of catching me off guard, irritates me a little.

(I did say: "Sorry. Not allowed to tell you that." I mean, shouldn't the fact that it's NOT HIM be good enough?)


Sya said...

Huh. Well, all I can say is that people do end up finding things out even if the profs and TAs keep mum cause somebody won't be able to keep their mouth shut.

Charlotte said...

I think I would have been tempted to ask him why he wanted to know.