Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Well, I made the decision yesterday.

I will be taking part in the spring piano recital. My teacher doesn't require it of her adult students (apparently she does of the junior students). But I decided I wanted to.

Because I find it moderately amusing to think of participating in my first-ever recital at 40.

I'm going to be playing the Ecossaise in G. We had originally thought of a more modern piece I was working on - a piece by Robert Vandall (funny, he looks different than I would have pictured him). It didn't have a title; it was just known as "18."

But I'd rather do the Ecossaise; I always found it hard to figure out the best interpretation for "18" - how fast to play it, how to make it sound. It was a piece much more dependent on individual expression than on technical ability (which the Ecossaise requires). Also, I think my feel for the classical piece is better; it's like I understand better what it "means." It's supposed to be a Scottish-style dance, you play it lightly and perhaps with a bit of a sense of humor. The Vandall piece at times sounded melancholy to me; at others, quiet and peaceful. I tried to envision waves lapping on a beach as I played it (the only thing it really put me in mind of). But it was hard for me to get it to sound consistent, and that kind of bothered me.

So I'm going to go back to work on the Ecossaise. I hadn't been playing it in as heavy a rotation because I figured I was essentially "done" with it, but really all I need to do is polish it up and be sure I have it fully memorized.

The question does come up of how one dresses for a recital. I'm thinking a plain dark skirt and white blouse. (No, I won't go out and buy a frilly recital-dress like the little girls learning piano might wear).


Charlotte said...

A simple dress would be appropriate as well. I think the important thing would be to wear what makes you feel good.

Anonymous said...

Good for you! When my daughter used to take ballet, the recitals always included adult students (tap, musical theater, etc.). I was always impressed that they chose to perform...I don't think I'd have the guts.

-- Grace in MA

Sya said...

Good luck. When I was a kid, dressing up was the least of my problems. I have the habit of memorizing things at the last minute, so I was always worried that I would forget everything once I was on stage.

Kucki68 said...

Cool! I think it is awesome of and for you to do this. Pity, I can not come and listen. How about that black knit dress and cache coeur? Or will it be too warm for that?