Let me show you it!

Hahahahahaha. This is from the town trash-off day they do a couple times a year. The spring one was today. I had a couple of my ecology students come out (I offered extra credit) and we picked up the road leading up to the Bio building and also a small chunk of the main road that that road turns off of.
The "major award" was one that the head of the Solid Waste department had made up - at the urging of those of us on the local beautification committee - to hand out. I think they're wonderful. (He also had ones for the biggest group that came out, and I think for the individual who picked up the largest number of bags).
Oh, why did I get the award?

You probably can't read that, but it's the award for finding the most unusual item. (They do an "unusual item" award every year). I found an inflatable raft, which was deemed most unusual. (Actually, one of my students found a thong - NOT the kind you wear on your foot - but I think he was too embarrassed to enter it).
And yeah, I think I'm going to hang the award up in my office, and tell people what it was for if they ask. Good advertising for future trash-off days, maybe.
Conga rats!
And yay, what fun!
I love that smile you have in the second picture.
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