It's even nicer to have a new mug to drink your breakfast beverage (in my case, skim milk...I do not tolerate coffee well) out of:

Thanks, Diann! It came yesterday.
(The mug shows the fillyjonk - here she is cleaning house (not an atypical pose). Perhaps this is the angle at which I most resemble a fillyjonk...though I think proportionally I am "narrower in the beam" than this one)
The other side of the mug also has a picture:

This is the fillyjonk with her three children (who look rather like weasels to me). This is why I think Jansson meant the fillyjonks to be a species rather than an individual - none of the fillyjonks in her books have children (and in fact, seem to be spinsters). But the one in the comic strip has children (and is also, as I observed before, less "willowy" than the ones in the books).
It's fun to have mugs like this. (I also have one with a gnome on it).
The bread is Orowheat "Health Nut," one of the few grocery store breads I actually like.
I have today off (we are one of the relatively few, I think, public universities that gives Good Friday off) so I am doing a few other things - preparing my Sunday School lesson for this week, finishing up and mailing off my taxes. And hopefully finding some time to work more on the quilt I posted about on Monday.
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