Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The weather today reminds me of why I like winter, and hate humidity so much.

The fact that it is about 80* in my office right now is not helping my mood any. Maybe President Obama and I should switch offices; he seems to like warm temperatures and high humidity.

I'm also struck by the funny behaviors we inherit (though I doubt this one has a genetic basis). I was sieving some soil in preparation for doing a lab tomorrow, and I realized that (a) I had not bothered to change out of the dress I wore to teach today, (b) I hadn't even bothered to grab my lab coat and (c) I had soil all down my front.

And you know, my mother has commented many times on how my dad did similar things - mowing the lawn in his dress shirt, doing minor household repairs with his tie (from teaching) still on. And how his dad did the very thing (but my granddad* was even worse - he would change the oil in his Mercury (he always drove Mercuries) in a white dress shirt and dress slacks).

And now I do it too. As I said, I don't THINK it's a genetically based behavior, how could it be, but it just seems odd that it got passed down to me.

(When I am visiting them, and I happen to be cooking, my mother is always after me to put on an apron, something I usually forget to do at home).

(*This is the same granddad who was the source of the piano. And the one about whom it was said, "Cy will wear the same ratty old fedora year in and year out and spend all his spare money on books." And again, I doubt one could attribute any genetic basis to that behavior, but it seems to be one I've inherited. [the book-buying, not the fedora-wearing]).

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