Thursday, February 05, 2009

Oh, Lynne, how I wish you were BSing me. How I wish it.

I may have to give up watching network television all together to avoid the onslaught.

The good news, I suppose, is that I now may actually finish my "No one expects the Digital Transition!" blanket before the transition actually occurs.

(Seriously: say what you will about the reasons behind, or the governmental role in this changeover; my main opinion is going to be that I am going to be VERY VERY ANNOYED if there is some goober who steps up the day after the changeover and goes, " tv doesn't work any more. Wha' happen?" But you KNOW there will be at least one goober who does that.)


Anonymous said...

I read an article that said Hawaii did their digital transition early so they could remove some old transmission towers before the nesting season of some species of bird and it was complete chaos. They had all the warnings we've been seeing but when they switched over TV stations got literally thousands of calls from people wanting to know what happened.

dragon knitter said...

my mom bought a new tv because of it! (admittedly, the old one was broke, and she has cable, but still, we decided to just get a new one rather than f ix the old one)

we have about 8 million old tvs, and none of them are going to work