Saturday, February 21, 2009

Just on the off chance that the "Christine" who sent me the "mystery cupcake" from the bakery in Palatine is a blog-reader rather than someone on CPAaG, I'm going to post a "thank you" here as well. (Though it does seem a rather Pointless and Arbitrary thing, to send someone you don't know a bakery cupcake.)

(Though I'd be a bit puzzled to think of how a blog-reader might find my address. Oh, I'm sure it's possible, it's just there's more than one person out in the world with my name, so googling me might turn up someone else. (Though I suppose using Sherlock Holmes style deduction, you could. And I think I'm the only person by my name who lives in Oklahoma.) And also, I think I removed my address from some of those "online phone book" things).

But at any rate, thanks! It's sitting in the fridge right now and I'm going to eat it tonight after dinner.

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