Thursday, February 05, 2009

I did pull out the stalled "Color Bar Blanket" (I cannot quickly find someone else's finished version of this on line to link to, but this is a pattern using solid-color granny squares arranged so it looks like the old CMYK television test pattern).

I made a couple more blocks of the "medium blue" color (there is a pale blue - well, cyan, really, is what it's supposed to be, and a navy blue). I've decided to try to complete all the blocks needed of a color before moving on to the next, doing them scattershot, working on whatever color I "felt" like gave the sense of less progress being made.

I also chose a different green from my stash than the one I had bought - the one I originally bought had too yellowish of a tone (I had limited color choices) and really clashed with the magenta, which it would be next to. The new green is still yellowish (wool-ease in "Avocado"), but it's closer to a true green so it works better.

I'm thinking of it now as my "No one expects the Digital Transition!" blanket.

(And yes, that is a Monty Python reference. I am such a big geek). Because apparently, no one does, or so the networks seem to think. The ad campaign to remind people that they either need (a) a new tv (b) cable or satellite or (c) a converter box is every bit as ubiquitous and, if possible, even more annoying than the political ads during election season. (The 17th of February - when it is set to happen - cannot come fast enough for me).


It occurs to me that maybe my car (which will hopefully be all fixed today) and my computer (which is now at the computer doctor getting an adware-ectomy and hopefully, a new virus-protection enhancement) maybe got jealous of my piano and broke so they could get a little attention.

Yes, yes, they're inanimate objects. But still, I am very suspicious of them breaking right now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry to tell you, but it looks like the procrastinators are going to get 4 more months to do nothing, and the PSAs will continue: