Wednesday, January 21, 2009

one of the most interesting (to me) things I've seen on Craftblog in a while.

If I had an end table in need of refurbishment, I'd do that. Even cooler would be to use mah jongg tiles, but I bet they're more expensive than dominoes are.

A few years back, I saw somewhere (it might have been the Flax arts catalog - I have no idea if Flax is still in business, haven't received a catalog from them in a long time and it seems their online presence is still stuck in last December) a purse that was totally covered with mah jongg tiles. It was very cool and I wanted one. But it was also $89 and I couldn't see paying that for a purse that was essentially a novelty.

The Hunger Site's store sells a bracelet made of mah jongg tiles, but it's not quite the same thing.

1 comment:

dragon knitter said...

you know, making a bracelet from mah jongg tiles would be a piece of cake. hmmmmmmmmmmm