Monday, December 01, 2008

Yup, it's dead. I tried a couple troubleshooting things at noon and it does seem that the motor's shot.

And, thanks to Lynn, I have a Good Reason to get a new one: it is more environmentally friendly than hand washing (not to mention, I won't have to haul out the bleach every time I fix something with raw eggs or raw chicken).

I did siphon most of the water out of it. The water had kind of picked up some crumbs stuck in the filter. Plus the soap I had put in. It was nasty. Luckily I was able to get the siphon going without getting any of that water in my mouth. (I need a sound effect of Plucky Duck from that Tiny Toons "Wonder Years" spoof going, "Ewwwww")

Tomorrow I will pick a new machine out; if luck is with me, it will be installed by the weekend.

(I'm actually a little afraid of what the installer will find when he pulls the old machine out. Long term readers may remember that fall of '03 or so I had a major mouse infestation thanks to the Renters from Hell next door and I wound up actually using poison to get rid of them, even though I hated doing it. I also have the occasional, um, "waterbug" and I'm afraid there will be some of them hanging out under there. I'm just telling myself that the installer will probably have seen worse and it's unlikely that it's anyone I will KNOW, anyway, and I'm not up to the idea of disconnecting the thing myself and cleaning back there before he shows up)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, you actually siphoned the water out using your mouth?? Didn't you have a turkey baster or something :-) I'm really impressed.

-- Grace in MA