Sunday, November 23, 2008

Something else to be thankful for:

I finished the TARDIS.

TARDIS finished

This is part of my brother's Christmas present. It turned out HUGE - it is nearly 20" tall including the "light" on the top (and if I had been really clever, I could have used some of the white "glow in the dark" yarn that I got really cheap the last time I was at Micheal's for it. Oh well.)

The colorwork pulls in a little bit, especially around the "windows," but meh. It was a pretty big thing to knit. It's also a challenge to stuff and keep roughly square - if I had really wanted to be perfectionistic about it, I would have either made panels of quilt batting to go right inside the sides, or ironed iron-on interfacing to stiffen the sides, or, best of all, made a "pillow form" out of muslin in the proper shape and just used the knit part as a "slip cover." But I was mainly interested in getting this done, when I realized how huge it was going to be - there would be no flippin' way I'd be able to carry that up with me at Christmas time; it will take up almost as much room as a rolled up sweater in the suitcase. So I'm glad it's done, and I can take it with me when I go for this break.

Here's another shot, for scale. I added in a measuring tape (in inches) and the Little Emo doll so you can maybe get a better idea of just how large it is.

TARDIS scale

I hope my brother appreciates it.

And no, I won't knit you one. I hope that's the last I see of colorwork for a while. If I were making another TARDIS? I'd do it of cloth and applique on all the various bits using machine-stitched satin stitch. (And use the satin stitch for the "lines" that denote the door panels).


And here's another episode of Cute Overload in Amigurumi Form:

amigurumi mouse

Rules of Cuteness fulfilled:

If your tail curls up, it's cute.
If your ears are small, it's cute.

There's also Beady Eye Factor, which is supposedly an anti-cute thing, but in this case, I find it cute.

It's a little mouse, crocheted off the pattern ("Mighty Little Mouse" in Elisabeth Doherty's amigurumi book). I used Vanna's Choice in "Tangerine Print" (which actually looks more brownish to me).

It's actually very similar to mouse-toys that were common when I was a girl - just little round balls of fluff, no feet or legs, with ears and a long narrow tail and a pair of shiny beady eyes. I had several toy mice like this as a child.


Anonymous said...

Yay! It's fabulous and you've got me thinking that I'm actually pretty good with a sewing machine...

AvenSarah said...

The TARDIS is amazing. I *so* want to make that for my husband -- he's a huge Dr. Who fan, we own a ridiculous number of dvds of the old series, and Friday nights are reserved for the new episodes -- but I'm not sure about my patience factor, especially with what you've said about it. And it wouldn't be very easy to keep it a surprise! Your brother will surely *love* it.

Anonymous said...

I'm not a Dr. Who fan and have no clue of the important of the TARDIS but I can say you have done a great job with it. Your brother should love it. Now, after the fact, would it be possible to slide thin sheets of cardboard in on each side (weight of cereal box, for example) to help it keep its shape?

Kucki68 said...

Congratulations on Finishing the TARDIS. It looks great. And I can believe you are happy to be done with it!