Friday, November 21, 2008

Everything old is new again, I guess:

My grandmother had one of these. She used to have it sitting in her kitchen to hold her (increasingly strong, as she got older) glasses when she wasn't wearing them. My mom wound up with it but she doesn't use it.

If I actually took my glasses OFF (like, other than when I'm sleeping or reading in bed), I'd ask for it, but I don't really have a use for it otherwise.

It just surprised me to see that - and apparently it's newly made, not a "vintage" piece or a "warehouse find" or anything like that.



Ellen said...

I got a cut-lead-glass ring holder (to put next to your sink to hold your rings when you wash dishes) as a gift for participating in my oldest sister's wedding. When my mother saw it in a box of give-aways, she took it back. Now, I wish for that ring holder. And it's not like I've got a lot of rings - it's just that I'm washing lots more dishes by hand. I've become the woman my mother wished for. Only about 30 years too late!

Kucki68 said...

You could put it in the bath, that is certainly the only place beside my night table I have to stash my glasses.