Sunday, November 30, 2008

Another little thing:

This is another way in which I guess I am different from the "cool people."

I was delighted - and laughed out loud - when they "Rickrolled" the Macy's parade. (I suppose the "cool people" do not watch such a thing, and when they found out from blog reading or whatever about the Rickroll, their reaction was, "We. Can. Never. Use. That. Joke. Again." [however, the REALLY "cool" people probably stopped using it back in March].)

When they announced at the beginning that Rick Astley was going to be on, I speculated whether they were going to do a "Rickroll" joke (then I had to explain what Rickrolling was to my mom, and also remind her of who Rick Astley was.)

But yeah, I was pretty amused by it. Then again, as I said before, I'm easily amused.

(Incidentally, in my town, with the big Christmas light displays, they have some that are designed to look like the outlines of "classic" toys - blocks, teddy bears, et al. There is one "light sculpture" that is of a pull-toy duck: a duck on wheels. A Duckroll. And I immediately thought, "I should totally take a picture of that when it's lit up, post it somewhere, and link to the duck-on-wheels from my blog." Except the place where the duck is located is not one where it's easy or safe to take a picture (it's in the "cloverleaf" of the highway on-ramp). But yeah: we have our very own town Duckroll.)

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