Monday, September 08, 2008

There are two large topics that are notably absent from this blog. (Or perhaps not NOTABLY absent, but still, absent).

The first is sex. The largest part of that is because I regard myself as a lady (anachronistic as taking pride in that may be) but also part of it is that so often discussions of "adult" matters tend to be tiresomely juvenile.

The other is politics. This is partly because I do find a great deal of politics rather tiresome. And politics these days seems better at dividing than uniting people. And I am most definitely put off by the "I can't be your friend any more because you are planning on voting for...." tone that I sometimes hear. And I don't like the sort of spittle-flecked arguments that a lot of political discourse can become. (And yes, I know, Jefferson and Adams fought; and I've heard the old "Ma, ma, where's my pa..." allusion to Cleveland's wrong-side-of-the-blanket son; like the old saw about everything, it's not that it's getting WORSE, it's just that we HEAR about it more now).

But I will say this made me chuckle. And were I braver, I might actually buy and wear it. Because I tend to think that anyone who can destroy Evil while still attempting to make time for elevenses is perhaps the kind of leader we need. Pity neither of them were actually born in this country.


Big Alice said...

Thank you, that t-shirt is great. It made me laugh and it's the perfect birthday gift for my Dad. He and I don't really get along politically so I just avoid it completely. I don't need or want that kind of unpleasantness in my relations with him.
But on the Tolkein front, we're pretty united. Thanks again for the link.

Ellen said...

It appears you could also get a good deal on the "Voldemort/Bush '04" tee shirts as well! And I am a Republican - it just seemed so funny!