Friday, August 15, 2008

I know I said, back when everything felt like it was going bad, earlier this summer, that I was no longer going to add blogs to my sidebar as I feared I somehow had the effect of making the writer decide to stop blogging shortly after I linked.

Well, of course that is irrational thinking.

I have added a couple of new blogs - or rather, not "new," ones that have been going on a while and that I've been popping into off and on for a while.

"Stitchy Britches" is devoted to vintage embroidery. Very often the authors post scans of old, out-of-copyright transfers that you can download, print, and trace (or I suppose, iron on directly if you are very clever and have a printer that does that) and then embroider. (They would also, many of them, make good simple "coloring pages" for small children. Or inspiration for applique.)

Doe-c-doe does embroidery (usually she has something every Thursday) but she has so much more - fabric and vintage children's books and thrift-store items. All kinds of cute neat stuff, the kind of stuff I like looking at and kind of dream about finding on my trips out to antique shops.

And finally, I added the Mochimochiland blog. This is a site with wonderful patterns (some free, some for sale) for knitted toys - the style is kind of San-X ish, sort of "Hello Kitty with a twist and without the saccharine quality." (She recently had a photo contest. I was dying to enter it and I had a really good idea, but the summer got too hectic and too sad and I only finished the first part of what would have been my grouping of toys, so I didn't enter. And heck, maybe my idea wasn't that clever and funny and it wouldn't have won, but still. Maybe she'll do another contest someday and I'll have time to finish my plan).

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