Friday, July 04, 2008

That's it.

I'm not going to take on linking any "new" or "new to me" craft blogs.

Because every time I do, the author decides to stop posting.

And I'm tired of the blogs I come to love going dark, and feeling - irrationally - that somehow it's my linking to them that killed them.

Yes, I know, I'm being irrational. It's an irrational sort of week for me.


Big Alice said...

I'm sorry you've had such an irrational week. I hope the next goes better.

Anonymous said...

What bothers me is when a blog goes silent without notice and there's no way to find out why. I've been reading Bess at Like A Queen for quite some time. She hasn't posted (at least that I can find) in over a month which isn't typical of her. There's no email address that I can find for her so I'm sitting here wondering what's going on. If someone is going to quit blogging, it's a lot nicer if they at least do one last post telling their readers that.

Lydia said...

That kept happening to me right before I linked to you; I was really worried that I'd kill your blog and kept checking really frequently after I first put up a link to you.

I'm glad you blog.