The "clandestine knitting" continues.
Heh...I can imagine a knitting pattern where there's a "secret message" encoded in the finished item. It couldn't be charted, though - that would make the message too obvious. Spy stuff.
Or, it could be like that thing we used to do in grade school - I don't know if anyone else of my generation experienced this - to teach us Cartesian coordinates (I don't know if this was some New Math thing or not), the teacher would give us graph paper and a long list of instructions of x, y coordinates and what color to color in the square with those coordinates. And if you did it right, you got a picture. (If you did it wrong, you got a big mess. I remember redoing at least one of those pictures because I got off-count with rows or columns. And I remember one that had an error in it, and the picture never resolved right because of the error.
I still don't like to do counted cross-stitch for that very reason - if you mess up and get off count it's a real pain to fix, and it HAS to be fixed; it can't be fudged like you can often do with knitting).
absolutely beautiful!
I learned Cartesian coordinates the exact same way. And I remember my father grumbling about "New Math" when I was in grade school...
-- Grace in MA
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