Tuesday, June 24, 2008

A little fluster.

(As I've said before - it's a family tradition that NO ONE ELSE I have ever spoken to has heard of, or heard of by that name. My (of-German-descent) grandmother claimed it was a German custom, but I'm thinking if it is, the name's wrong, or mistranslated, or was a name someone in the family made up and claimed was "Ancient German Secret"(*).

A fluster, as I've said before, is a small thing you get - not really a bribe, more of a prize or a consolation - when you've had to do something unpleasant and did that unpleasant thing particularly bravely or well.

Well, I've been *fairly* assiduously Not Buying Yarn (because I have so much already), but since I made it through the whole tooth-ordeal, and because this color of sock yarn is back in stock (several months ago I tried to order it and they were OUT), it is my fluster.

I love those colors together. Not sure if I'm going to do the "bordello" pattern that was written for this yarn again, or if I'm going to find some kind of nice slipped-stitch pattern for it. (Or heck, maybe make it into a scarf instead).

1 comment:

Lydia said...

Go for the scarf! That would be really pretty.