Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Things are starting to wind down for the semester. I can't quite believe it; I never can.

My ecology students are doing their presentations this week - so all the material in that class is done (and the final exam is written).

I finished the last of the material for Soils today (which means that everything on the final I wrote previously has been covered). Their lab notebooks are due Friday and I told them that we could meet during class time to do a final exam review, or they just wouldn't have to show up. (I will be there even if no one else is.)

Tomorrow I just do a final quiz and review in my non-majors class.

My final exams are all written.

I do collect the lab books on Friday (Well, I already have 3 of the fifteen, so I can grade them and get them done) plus the big ecology papers (which are the biggest hardest thing I have to grade).

Best of all, I found someone to babysit my little plants while I'm out of town for 10 days in May - I'm going to visit family again (there's a family reunion this time and even though I said "no more trips-within-a-trip" I think I'm going).

Next week I have 3 days I give exams (all in the morning, thank goodness, so I have the afternoons to grade them) and two to work on other stuff, and a couple of days into the next week.

If gas weren't so high I'd go for a fun-run somewhere but I think I'm probably just going to stay put. At least I have a lot of projects I can work on.

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