Tuesday, April 22, 2008

I am quite fond of both men and animals, but requests like this make me wonder if I could ever actually share my living space with either.

(And yes, I know - it sounds like dog training and a serious discussion with her spouse about the expectations of cleanliness in the household are probably what are needed.

Maybe I'm cold-hearted, but any animal that regularly urinated on my furniture out of defiance or lack-of-proper-training would have a new home found for it. There are just some things up with which I will not put.)


dragon knitter said...

i actually have this situation. the problem? she's 13, and overweight. no one will take her, and unless i found a no-kill shelter (there are a couple around here, but they've got extensive waiting lists), they'd put her down (a cat, doh, i just realized i didn't state what she was). add to that the problem that DH has had her for 12 years, and she was his only companion for years and years, and my sons are attached to her grumpy ass, and i would be in deep doo doo if i even attempted to give her away.

i've talked to hubbie about having her put down, since she is so big she's uncomfortable, and will do NOTHING to exercise, even when tempted by toys and/or catnip (she snores when she sleeps, and pants after she jumps up on the sofa or walks across the room!), but he'snot ready for t hat yet. sigh.

Kucki68 said...

Get rid of husband, retrain animal. There is no way to retrain a man, but it can be done with an animal.