Monday, March 31, 2008

Normally I'm not that impressed by "crafted versions of technological items" (like a toy iPod made by knitting or something). But this knitted calculator made me laugh, because of the "secret message" the person who crafted it put on the "output."

I remember those "calculator games" where you could get your calculator to spell something. And I remember being immature enough (I guess I'm STILL immature enough) to find the "word" that that calculator is "spelling"* funny. (I remember cackling over being able to make my calculator spell that very word when I was about 11.)

It's kind of nice to still be in touch with your inner sixth grader.

(*If you don't get it, imagine turning the calculator upside down...)


dragon knitter said...

i've been able to read upside down and backwards for a very long time, and i giggled like a 6th grader as well, lol (the calculator game is why i learned in the first place, lol!)

Kucki68 said...

We used ours to spell ESEL (meaning donkey in German) 7353 is the code to hit...

pantoufle said...

ooh, now i totally want to make one. My husband still types that in and shows it to me while giggling like a school girl.