Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The other day, I was talking about pop culture and knitting.

Well, here's an R2-D2 inspired knitted hat.


I am 12 rows away from being done (well, actually, 12 rows + the 4 finishing-off rows) of the Landscape Shawl. I worked some on it last night but then switched over to one of the Super Sekrit (a/k/a Pay it Forward) projects because my conscience was starting to goad me and I DO want to have these done before the year's half over.

I probably chose the most time-consuming one to make first.


I really want to start something new - pulled out a couple of books last night - but given the number of big projects I have going (the Airy cardigan, the Landscape shawl, the Clapotis, Cozy [which has been stalled for a while], and the crocheted blanket).

Still, there's always the siren call of the New Project.

(Except I can't start one until I finish something I have going; I'm out of row counters and that's my sign - kind of like the line the drinker scratches on his bottle with his diamond ring - that I need to hold back for a while. "This far and no further.")


Lydia said...

That is a good way of knowing your limit.

The hat pattern links have been great.


dragon knitter said...

i have an idea for one, but no clue on the other, and who ever #3 was, they never re-stepped forward, so i'm gonna have to re-offer, i suppose. oh wait, i think i remember! ack! i'll have to email her.