Thursday, January 31, 2008

Yet another way I have been influenced by The Way of LOL:

Reading a paper this afternoon on allelopathy, I noted that the authors gave the scientific name for purple loosestrife as Asclepias purpurascens.

(I'll wait while you go click on those but will make the observation: Janey Mack*, that got past the REVIEWERS?)

At any that you're the margin of the page next to it I wrote, in big capital letters, "FAIL.**"

if nothing else it will make me chuckle weeks from now when I'm searching through the paper for some half-remembered conclusion I want to cite.

(*My new favorite expression of dismay/expletive. It's Irish, and as far as I've been able to determine, has no profane/vulgar/blasphemous connotations, so it passes my "expletive test" [working with kids, I find it's best to watch my mouth all the time, so I have a stock of squeaky clean phrases that will be more likely to pop out when something bad happens when the kids are around. Though I must say that last night, the only thing that came out of my mouth when the window broke was "oooooooohhhhhhhh....noooooooooooooo...."])

**sort of mean but it makes me laugh

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