Thursday, January 24, 2008


There's a chance we might get freezing rain tonight, with more in the morning. If that is the case I hope they cancel the morning classes - and if they do, that they send out the notice EARLY ENOUGH so those of us with 8:00s get word of it before we risk our necks going in.

Normally a little freezing rain isn't an issue here, but it's been So. Dang. Cold. that anything freezing when it hits the ground will freeze to and on the ground (rather than harmlessly melting as it normally does).

I took a quick mental stock of my larder before leaving campus for my quarterly duty at the Food Bank, to decide if I had to brave the grocery store after that. Because the whole Ice Storm thing, yeesh. People elbowing little old men with canes and moms with babes in arms out of the way just so they can get the last six loaves of bread.

I decided that as I have at least a half gallon of milk and one remaining egg - and this is supposed to melt off on Saturday - it wasn't worth the human drama of trying to get to the grocery. And I have the leftover of the loaf of homemade bread, and more bread-making supplies, so if worse comes to worse, I can whip up a batch. (I might do that anyway, this weekend, because homemade bread is better than anything I can buy here in town.)

Yes, I am perhaps living dangerously having only one or two (I haven't counted them recently) eggs left in the fridge, and Ice Storm Logic says I should go out and buy a couple dozen more just to be safe - but I think I can go a day without using an egg if I have to.

And you know? I don't normally complain about this but: it's cold. It's dang cold. I don't think it got out of the 20s today. (I know those of you in Minnesota are snorting with derision, but living in southern Oklahoma, where buildings aren't exactly *insulated* and where our antiquated heating system in my office building can't cope well with 40 degrees let alone 20, it's cold). I got cold sitting in my office today. I'm still cold and I've been home - in my considerably better-heated house- for nearly an hour.

I should probably break out the space heater for my research-reading this afternoon, just so I'm more comfy.

I also have a headache, which suggests to me we ARE going to get the bad weather after all - any kind of bad, low-pressure, cold front type of weather and I get a headache. I suppose my sinuses are like barometers.

Oh, now the National Weather Service radio-robot is saying the "watch" has been upgraded to a "warning." Dare I hope for not having to slog in tomorrow morning?

(Don't get me wrong - I love teaching. But when the weather's miserable - and hazardous for the students who live farther out than I do - it just seems better not to have to leave the house).

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