Monday, December 03, 2007


So, I'm going to take part in the "Pay it Forward" gift exchange (I signed up on Periodic Mumbling's website.

The deal with this is, the first three commenters on the blog post get - within the next calendar year - something that I made for you. (It might be a miniquilt, it might be a small toy, it might be a hat...)

The idea is then if you ask for something from me, you offer a gift to three other people...and they offer gifts to three people...and so on. Not just restricted to knitters - in fact, if you comment, the gift you get from me might not be knit. But it will be handmade.

Most people are restricting this to other folks who blog...because they have to then continue the offer by putting it up on THEIR blog. If I'm not violating the rules of the game TOO much, I'm going to open this to anyone PROVIDED you promise to carry on the chain (yeah, it's kind of like a chain-letter but it's a fun kind of chain)...find three people who would be willing to take it one step out from you, and you can either give names, or just initials, or even just say "I'll carry on the chain" in your comment....This is because I know a couple of my regular commenters are blogless and I'd rather not exclude anyone.

Of course, it will be the first three commenters only...if you are one of the chosen three, I'll ask you to e-mail me a mailing address so I can send your gifts out. (Note, of course, they will almost certainly come after the new year...I probably won't have time to do anything new right now).

Of course, if you comment and DO have a blog (and it's not one you know I read regularly) leave a link - so I can get a feel for who you are, so I send something you are likely to enjoy.

Oh, and this is also open to non-US residents; I'd like to see how my post office folks react to a package going to Germany or Australia or somewhere....

(If I don't get three commenters today or tomorrow, I may continue to "nag" about this...until I do).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love this idea!

I often pay the bridge toll of the car behind me, just because. I'd love to know if they continue by paying the toll for the car behind them, and so on. The toll-takers always think it's fun.

Have a good week!

/Diann (