Wednesday, December 05, 2007

I just heard on the radio that there was a mass shooting in an Omaha mall.

Dragonknitter, are you and yours okay? I really hope so...sent up a little prayer when I heard it was in Omaha.

Okay - so Diann wants in on the Pay it Forward. And Charlotte and Grace, if you want to do three things for other people, I'm not going to worry too much that it continues much "downstream" - it seems like the meme may be a little played out anyway; it seems people are having a hard time getting joiners.

So if you'll all e-mail me your mailing address (and put some note in the subject line about "pay it forward"; I'm getting a lot of spam these days and don't always immediately recognize unfamiliar e-mail addresses), I'll start thinking about what to make.

(Diann, I may still have your address somewhere - in fact, I think I do).

As I said - it'll be sometime after the first of the year. (Probably not too long after - this seems like a fun post-Christmas thing to do).

If you have particular strong likes/dislikes in terms of color or items (or, for example, are wool-allergic), it would help for me to know that too.

And I will probably be referring to "mystery projects" on here come January. Fun.

My big box of KnitPicks yarn (my Christmas present to myself) came today. I have yarn in there for the Evolving Punk, and also a set of Uh-Ohs (another pattern I bought from Mochimochiland). And I got some feltable wool for the slippers out of the Rowan Scottish Knits book (Rowan is a bit pricey, I think, for slipper scuffs). And some of the worsted-weight "Shamrock" for a pair of just simple boot-sock type socks. And a skein of the multicolored Wool of the Andes to make a felted Bob.

I do have some projects to finish - I've got a finger and the thumb left to do on my mom's mitts, and I would like to get more done on Kenobi (I worked on it a bit last night while reading).

I think, unless I REALLY get it in gear and finish Kenobi before the end of next week (not likely the way my time is going), I'll take it with me and finish it over break - there's the added bonus of more large flat carpeted surfaces at my parents' house that are good for blocking things on.

And I've got several socks to work on, they're just all socks that take a certain amount of concentration to do. And I've got Cozy and the Landscape Shawl.

I did JUST start the new Clapotis last night but realized I had forgotten that it takes a fair amount of concentration in the first however-many rows - so I switched over to Kenobi for while I read.


Anonymous said...

I kinda missed out on your Pay-It-Forward thing 'cause I don't check your blog everyday. But then, not only am I not crafty in the way you are, but I don't have an active blog, either. OTOH, it would have been fun when you discovered I am actually in Australia! :-)

No worries. I'm happy to just watch from the sidelines.


dragon knitter said...

me & mine are fine. it's just a sad, sad situation, here.