Wednesday, November 14, 2007

I am totally in pre-holiday mode now. I have three more classes to teach, and then Youth group, and then I am essentially DONE. For over a week, DONE.

I am so looking forward to it.

I'm pretty well packed - the first thing that got packed were the books to read (three mystery novels - an Inspector Alleyn mystery and a couple of modern 'cozies'- and I can blow through those pretty fast, and a book on statistics and its role in the development of modern science, and one called "Dirt: The Ecstatic Skin of the Earth"). And projects are packed. Then I packed clothes and the Christmas presents to take home.

I hope I can finish the Lady Detective Hat this afternoon/ evening after youth group. It would save me having to either lug the heavy "Knit 2 Together" book or bring it up here and make a surreptitious photocopy of the pattern (Surreptitious because I don't know if it's ok for us to use the copier for "personal" use).

I have to say this: I really, really do not like doing the twisted stitch pattern it calls for. I like how it looks and all, but it's murder (heh...Lady Detective Hat) on the hands. Basically, it is a p-2-tog, and then IN THE SAME TWO STS YOU PURLED TOG (without dropping them off the lefthand needle), you have to k-2-tog.

And this is on a size 11 circular needle where the stitches I'm working with BARELY fit. And this is Noro Iro, a thick and thin yarn - and woe betide you if you're in one of the thick fluffy bits if you're on the p-2-tog, don't drop sts, k-2-tog row.

I will say I am on the LAST brim row requiring that treatment - after this row, it's just plain knitting or decreases until the hat's done.

But, ow. I don't think I'll be making another one of these, unless it's out of a much more tightly-spun yarn.


Anonymous said...

Enjoy your trip home and have a Happy Thanksgiving with your family.


Lydia said...

I hope you have a great trip!

What you said about the WWI and WWII veterans is true. My grandparents, of whom one fought, one taught engineers, and the other two did civilian work, have died, so their era is receding into the past for me.

I haven't really seen the footage; I've just been reading, and this after a big Tudor/18th c./Roman kick, so the information available is sort of overpowering. I should look at it; that does soudn interesting.

Bess said...

I am so with you about holiday mode/mood. I don't get a whole week off but I do get 5 days and I am ready to thoroughly EnJoY each and every one of them.

Happy reading and knitting, my sister in Victoriana.