Monday, October 08, 2007


* Grading an exam. Scores are markedly better than they were on the first exam. (This usually happens but it's always a relief when it does).

* An obligation - which would have been FUN but would have required a lot of time and effort from me - has been postponed until March (it was to have been a program I would have presented on some of my teaching-stuff; not enough people signed up. My colleague who was trying to arrange it is blaming OU football but, whatever. I get my Tuesday and Thursday free days this week and I get Saturday back). And I was a little apprehensive about the short prep-time I had; this way I can really read up on some extra stuff.

* The vending machine spit out TWO Hersheys-with-Almonds when I went down there (sometimes you just really need a Hersheys with Almonds). That (Partly) makes up for the dollar the juice machine ate a couple weeks ago when my cold was bad and I really, really wanted an orange juice. (I could go to Auxiliary Services and request the dollar back - but it would require more than a dollar's worth of time and effort on my part).

* It looks like the cold front's coming! It's gotten cloudy (no rain yet) and the wind is finally out of the north instead of the southeast. (I stuck my hand out the window and it didn't feel MUCH cooler though.)

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