This isn't going to be a terribly fun weekend.
Tomorrow most of the day will be involved with a research project that's not that fun, especially not that fun when you're pollen allergic and having bad allergy symptoms ALREADY.
Today, so far, I've graded a test and a class' worth of papers (and I have to say - and this is being as diplomatic as possible - there are certain individuals who will be rewriting their papers.)
Now I'm trying to get the last few diagrams re-made for the nth iteration of a paper rewrite.
(Yes, I am aware of the apparent irony of my griping about students not writing papers correctly the first time, and my having to sit down and rewrite a research paper until I'm ready to vomit confetti, but trust me, the two things are TOTALLY different. TOTALLY. For one thing, I don't cite "Wikipedia" as a resource.)
I've told myself that if I can get these figures done and sent off to my co-author, I am going to call my mom and ask her to buy and send me some semi-surprise yarn. (No, I'm not soliciting a *gift*, I am going to send her a check for it).
I want to make one of the My So-Called Scarves. And I want it out of Manos. But, when I look at the couple of places online that sell Manos, the colors look so muddy onscreen - and I know they're prettier in real life. I just can't pick a color from the little thumbnails that are up.
And also, sometimes you just need a little surprise. And I know my mom is well aware of what colors I like. So I'm going to ask her to go down to Ewe Knit and pick up two skeins of whatever color she thinks would be good, and mail it to me, and I'll send her a check.
I made that scarf last winter and got loads of compliments on it. I used a brown/pink/red manos multi.
-- Grace in MA
Can you wear a mask while you're outside doing the research? Back when I cut grass, I had to wear one because I'm allergic to grass and tree pollens. Wearing a mask in our hot humid summers was not fun but it was the only way to get that chore done. Now that I live on a lot with a hill in the back, I hire the grass cutting out.
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