"I'm not a hipster. I just like knitting." Also a crocheter, quilter, pony-head, and professor/scientist.
I only speak for myself. Views posted here are not necessarily the views of my workplace, my congregation, or any other group of which I am a part.
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sadly, i need one for cat peeing. my older female has taken to peeing where ever she damned well pleases, and i can't convince hubbie she needs to go to the vet. he HAS to take her, she won't let anyone else near her. in fact, just a few minutes ago, i made my son get off the sofa to go deal with his dinner dishes, and she hopped up on the sofa, and refuses to move and let him on the sofa. sigh.
I'm right with you on the crying. That is great. Thanks for finding it!
sadly, i need one for cat peeing. my older female has taken to peeing where ever she damned well pleases, and i can't convince hubbie she needs to go to the vet. he HAS to take her, she won't let anyone else near her. in fact, just a few minutes ago, i made my son get off the sofa to go deal with his dinner dishes, and she hopped up on the sofa, and refuses to move and let him on the sofa. sigh.
Oh la! It made me laugh out loud too! thanks for a giggly Monday startup.
I could have used one of those this very morning. What a way to wake up. :(
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