I think I finally kicked whatever the virus was I had last week. I feel normal again, and I was able to complete a normal workout without coughing or being winded.
I wonder if what I actually had was an early, weak strain of this year's flu. I am speculating that because I had a fever for 3-4 days (much longer than I normally do with a cold), and I had some muscle aches, and, there was a woman on the radio this morning talking about the flu, and she said that the flu (it wasn't clear if it was the flu in general or this year's strain) can cause dehydration, and I know there were three or four days when I felt like I couldn't drink enough water to satisfy my thirst.
I'm back to working on Kenobi again; I'm almost up to the armhole on the left front. I'm wanting to swatch for other projects, though.
I also did something this morning I had previously sworn not to do: signed up for Ravelry. (I don't know where I am in the queue; apparently I'm so far down I don't even get a notification e-mail. They'll probably be out of beta before I get in).
I just hope no one has taken (or takes) the Fillyjonk monicker before I get in. That would make me quite angry.
Not sure what I'll use it for, but meh...it seems it's the wave of the future and all. In a couple years it will probably be what knitting blogs were in 2004, and knitting blogs qua blogs will not exist any more. So I figured I'd better get my name in.
it's a good pattern/yarn resource. and you can see who else may have had problems with a pattern, what yarns they use, etc. not just a "hey look what i did" forum, lol.
I am glad you are feeling better! I am looking forward to see more off Kenobi, I think you will get much use out of it. I will be happy to see you on Ravelry.
I find it's really good for checking to see how a pattern looks in real life, as opposed to the perfectly posed model who has a different body type than I do.
I also like the ability to see a pattern worked up in various yarns, so I can realize that a heather is too much for a pattern or that the yarn that I thought would be perfect is not quite the shade I thought it was, and one I hadn't considered is more like what I want.
I searched on fillyjonk, and nobody's taken it.
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