Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Oh my is it hot. I am almost dead from the hot, to use a locution more commonly seen on Cute Overload.

Seriously - walking out to, and then back from my car when I went home to lunch (and came back here) was all the time I want to spent outdoors.

We might get some relief the end of this week, if a tropical depression in the Gulf actually becomes a storm. On the one hand, I hate the thought of wishing a storm/hurricane on anyone. But on the other hand - dead from the hot.


I am still working on the (expletives deleted) soil assessments. Last week I was all "oh, it's a project where I know what I'm doing! It's tedious, but it's "tedious" I know how to do! La la la!" Because it was a change from hitting the brick wall of "I need to do this but I can't get it to work and none of the backdoor ways I can think of have worked!" So I was all excited to have something straightforward to work on.

Not any more.

I dreamed about it last night. I tend to feel that when you dream about a research task, you are probably spending too much time in a given day on it. (I also used to see "visions" of the plants I identified in the field the previous day, back when I was doing the prairie surveys).

I am probably 3/4 of the way done with it but I do not think I have the energy to complete it today.

1 comment:

dragon knitter said...

it's hot here too. the temps haven't been too bad (it was 94 today) but the humidity has been through the roof! we had a heat index of 105 today. on top of that, we mowed my lawn this morning, and didn't get done til 1130. i've been whipped ever since. they're saying it's supposed to cool down thursday, and practically be balmy from friday on (that's good, school starts on the 22nd, and it's always easier when it's not mega hot)