Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Called the computer dude.

My computer has an appointment to get its LAN socket checked out. If that's busted, they'll either fix it or install the necessary card to make a new one. Then I get to try the cable modem again (the guy told me "it may turn out it's their hardware" meaning the cable company's having a problem. Not sure what to do in that case, but I'll cross that bridge if and when I come to it). If the LAN repair works...then I have broadband internet at home.

Dare I hope?

Oh, I also have a working garage door opener again. That broke back in, like, February but because it was a non-essential item, and I figured it would be the usual workman-tsuris to get someone out to fix it, I put it off.

Yes. All through the torrential rains of June, I was having to hop out of my car to close the garage door when I left in the morning, and open it when I returned at night.

Well. It wound up taking about fifteen minutes and a new circuit board to repair. The guy was really nice - came out one day to look at it (RIGHT WHEN HE SAID HE WOULD), said he knew what was needed, said he'd call me. He did. At 7:45 this morning (that's okay; I was actually almost on my way out the door to go to my office. It wasn't like he woke me up or anything). He came out, replaced it, and the door works.

And you know? It's one of those little things that you don't notice when it's working, but after it's been broken a while, you really welcome it coming back. (He did a temporary fix Friday afternoon when he first came out; the circuit board needed was on order). It will be good in the cold/rainy/windy fall to be able to open and close my garage door from my car. (I have a detached garage so I still have to walk to my house, but it is just a little nicer not to have to manually open and close the door.)

1 comment:

Rose said...

When people see your post and the quotes that you have added - I hope it encourages them to dream more.

I see a lot of people who have given up hope and think that they are not worthy but they are.