Monday, June 11, 2007

More of those silly cat things (here, they are called meme-cats.)

I know not everyone goes for that kind of humor, but there were two on the site that made me laugh:

(I wonder if his people named him "Garmin"?)

(I have a colleague who's always talking about the Darwin Awards. And before you accuse me of being cruel, I am quite sure the current was not on when that picture was cats were harmed in the making of that picture.)

(Added - and for those people who don't like the lolcat things because they think they show cats as being stupid, here's one showing a cat being smart: any rate, *I* think that being able to point out an error in one's calculus homewoek is indicative of being smart...)

1 comment:

Kucki68 said...

Another link that made me think of you:

Hope you do not mind.