So now they've done pirates and ninjas. They need to complete the trifecta with either robots or aliens. (Yes, I know, they did sharks, but that doesn't quite count).
I did get some more knitting done on Hiawatha; I'm nearly up to the middle of the LAST edge (which is one of the long edges).

It looks extremely yellow here - it's actually a just-barely-off white - but I took the photo without flash (flash totally washed out all of the stitch patterning) and used "extreme night" program on the camera.
I also decided on a winner in the "What Shawl Will I Knit Next?" contest:

Found the Landscape Shawl pattern. (One of my summer projects should be to reorganize my book/magazine/pattern shelves. And to get a big, big box of sheet protectors and put all the patterns I've printed off the 'net into sheet protectors).
And finally - a finished object. I did this this weekend, in between working on the shawl:

It's the Dodo from the most recent "Crochet Me" magazine! I used a few odds and ends - the leftover Bernat boucle from the dog I crocheted a while back, some bits of black and orange Paton's wool. It only takes tiny amounts - I used scraps and probably have enough to do a second bird. (Which I may do; there's someone I kind of "owe" and she likes things like this).
Here's a shot of the dodo sitting in my hand, to give an idea of scale:

I've not formally named the dodo yet. Tentative name - which I'm not quite sure fits - is Adrian, in honor of the fact that I worked most of it up while watching one of the episodes from the Monk Season 1 dvd.
As cute as I think the anthropomorphic "traditional*" amigurumi are, I really do prefer critters that make an effort to be somewhat realistic. I like the shape of this toy; there's a little "bump" on the front of the chest that is very like a real dodo.
(I also think with some pattern mods - especially to the beak - you could make a reasonable turkey. Or, using the beak-and-head but making the neck and legs longer, make a flamingo.)
(*as much as you can call something "traditional" that's been around for maybe 10 years)
Hiawatha is lovely! (And the dodo is adorable.)
Hiawatha looks great!
I like to Koigu colors.
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