Well, no knitting last night. (Grading. And Youth Group. And more grading this morning).
I wasn't going to post but I ran across The Trouble with Tribbles in LOL-cat-speak. (I know, Lynn, you don't like it when cats "talk" that way - how 'bout when the crew of Enterprise does? Or tribbles: "We're in ur NCC-1701, charmin' your wimmen"?)
Now, I'm really NOT a trekkie (the fact that I list Trouble with Tribbles as the only episode I really know much about reveals that), but my dad is a fan, and I remember as a kid growing up being in the room when he'd watch re-runs of the (original) Trek.
But this is, quite literally, making me lol. (Or rather, not lol so much as sit at my desk and giggle, but try to suppress those giggles lest someone coming down the hall wants to know what I'm finding so funny.)
It is very, very stupid but it is the kind of thing I find very, very funny.
(And it's a bit ironic, given the pet food recall fiasco: the tribbles met their demise by feeding on poisoned grain. Grain sold by an "invisible Klingon." I had forgotten that. Maybe the shippers of wheat-from-China need to start checking for invisible Klingons.)
1 comment:
Hmmm... I'm trying to have a sense of humor about the whole thing but it just reminds me of various annoying TV and movie characters who don't talk right.
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