It's the start (this is the first full repeat plus a couple rows) of the Waving Lace Sock from Interweave Knits. I'm using Lorna's Laces in a pale peach color.
It's an interesting lace pattern - the increases (yarn overs) stay put, either at the start of the pattern or the end of the pattern (depending on if it's the first or second half of the pattern) and the decreases progress from right to left and back again.
The topology of lace is interesting...I feel like the more I knit it, the more its "language" is making sense to me. I hope some day I'd be able to design lace patterns, make patterns that represent flowers and leaves of different sorts...natural patterns.
I like knitting lace. I think there's something about the "logic" of lace patterns that meshes (heh...pun not intended) well with how my brain works. The rhythm of them is enjoyable to me. (And, as much as I love cables, I have to admit I love the idea of being able to make fancy stitches with no extra tools [yes, I know, you can cable without a cable needle but I don't care for the technique]. And lace actually seems LESS "fiddly" to me than cables do).
My research student and I were going to go out and sample lichens this afternoon. She e-mailed me to cancel this morning (Well, exam week's coming up. And I'd rather she did well on her finals than we got in a day's sampling before finals week.)
I really SHOULD be disappointed, but I'm not.
I'm so glad that I'm going to be able to go home this afternoon, clean my house (HOW does it get so messy in two weeks, when I'm the only one living there?), prep my Sunday School lesson, and generally relax. (I may still go to McKinney tomorrow, after all. I have the "excuse" that I remembered my mom's birthday is coming up, and I don't really have any ideas of what to get her...I got her a book for Mother's Day, and though a book is generally a good present, her birthday and Mother's Day are so close...I don't know. I'm going to see how I - and how my arthritic ankle* - feel when I get up.)
(*I seem to have acquired a little osteoarthritis in my left ankle. It started hurting back at the end of February and I couldn't link the hurt to any potential injury. And the pain lessens if I exercise regularly. And it's worse on really humid days or before a storm. And the ankle swells a little bit but again, the swelling goes down with exercise or if I take aspirin. And it's a lot less if I wear my orthotics, which I had not been doing [orthotics do not work in "cute" shoes.] I suppose I SHOULD go to a doctor to make sure I've not screwed up a tendon or something - though I think the pain would be a lot worse were that the case - but I've had bad experiences with podiatrists in the past; one essentially said, "Lose 25 pounds and then we can talk about your feet." Gee, thanks...did you ever think that part of the reason I was overweight was maybe my hurting feet made exercise less fun?)
Geesh, doctors can be so insensitive! Doesn't sound like a bad tendon. Maybe you just need to be careful what kind of shoes you wear.
i think most podiatrists are evil. when mark first started his foot journey last summer, the doctor referred him to a podiatrist who kept jabbing at the sore on his foot, and actually made it bleed. mark got so mad he refused to go back, and talked the gp into giving him a referral for the orthopedic surgeon who put his knee back together 6 years ago (he fell through a false ceiling, and shattered his knee. it's amazing he can walk). he was much happier after that.
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