
Yes, I finished it last night. I wet it down and pinned it out across my bed (Diagonally, and I had to make an "outrigger" from two pillows - this is a very long shawl. I didn't feel up to building the lath frame they suggest using to block it, and I didn't want to go buy a couple of styrofoam pieces and then have to store them.)
I left a fan blowing on it because it is on MY bed (I didn't feel like unloading the guest bed; I have some books stacked on there) and it needs to be dry by bedtime tonight. It's been deucedly humid here which is good for the plants (and the fungi; I have all kinds of crazy mushrooms coming up in my lawn) but it makes it hard to dry anything.
I still can't quite believe it's done. Longtime readers might remember that I started this in September, 2004 - so that makes it just under 2 years 8 months. This is the most complex thing I've ever knit, and in some ways the most difficult.
It does feel not unlike having a thesis or dissertation done and defended, or a major journal article published - it's like, "What....I don't have to work on this any more?"
Oh, and dragonknitter: in 2009 analog broadcasting is going to go away and be replaced with entirely digital broadcasting. I think the reason is, some of the frequencies used by analog can then be re-assigned to emergency service providers. Older sets will no longer work UNLESS you buy a converter box (so you will still be able to use your older sets, just with an add-on). In fact, if you have DirectTV, you may already be able to get the conversion right from the satellite.
I do want to get a new television, though. The one I have now has a 13" screen and when I watch movies that are letterboxed, I wind up either having to squint from across the room or move a chair right in front of the tv.
Congratulations, well done. Now we need a pic with the two of you...
thanks for the info. i was unaware of that. i think i'll be ok, all my tv's are cable ready, so i should be in like Flynn
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