Friday, April 13, 2007

Well, I just got off the phone with my research student (and prior to that, the site-manager). The research is off for this afternoon because of the rain and potential for bad weather.

I'm kinda bummed but also kinda not bummed. This means I can go home, have a nice bowl of soup for lunch, do my laundry, relax a bit, and think about cooking a real dinner.

TChem mentioned samosas, which gets me thinking about a chapatti recipe I've been wanting to try for a while. If I can just figure out some kind of off-the-shelf protein/maindish to go with them, I'm set. (Maybe something with chick peas? I have a lot of canned chick peas on hand. Maybe I could do just baked curry-spiced chick peas and then make the chapattis and have some fruit or something along with them.)


Some free patterns! Sewing this time. Go to Amy Butler's site and click on the bottom link (the pattern-browser opens in a new window; the patterns are as pdf files.

I particularly like the little cat pillow pattern, and the Lotus Brick Quilt pattern (the first one on the list). I'm thinking I might have enough of a chunk of vintage feed-sack fabric I bought at a resale shop for one of the little cats...and that seems like as good a use for it as any.

And Make your own felt monster tutorial on Flickr. (*I* think he looks more like a funny cat than a monster...somehow he reminds me a bit of my brother and sister in law's big Maine Coon cat. Maybe it's the teeth.)

1 comment:

dragon knitter said...

doesn't falafel have chick peas? there's also hummus, although that's not so much a main dish. it is yummy though! (i've been known to spread hummus on flour tortillas (my local grocery store doesn't carry pita bread, sigh),and roll them up for lunch)

also, what are chapattis? (i learn more about food from you than anyone else i know!)