Tuesday, April 03, 2007

TChem: I don't want to mislead you. "Lots" means "as compared to most cookbooks of the era," not so much, "Wow, half of the recipes in here are veggie-friendly!"

That said - there are a lot of cheese and egg and pancake and fish recipes. And I think it's a worthy book to have for all the pickle and preserved-vegetable recipes (they tell how to make catsup, for example). But the Moosewood Cookbook it ain't. It has its big meat chapter and its poultry chapter. (I do think it tends to emphasize baked goods over other things - there's a bread chapter AND a cake chapter AND a pastry chapter)

(Guessing from the one site - the Milwaukee Sentinel one - I linked to, it sounds like the newer editions have been considerably altereed to "modernize" them. That's kind of sad - I think there's value in my generation (and younger ones) being able to see how people used to eat, before convenience foods and the scourge of cake mixes and that sort of thing.)

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