Sunday, April 01, 2007

Happy National Poetry Month.

I've mentioned before how I like it is important to me. In high school, I was required in classes to memorize poetry (both in French and in English). And before that - I think it was in fifth grade - my Language Arts teacher had us all make what was basically like a simple chapbook, where we copied out poems we liked (and included some poems we had written), and illustrated it.

I think the fact that I remember that project more than 25 years later is evidence of how much I enjoyed it. I just wish I still had that book.

here's an official site for National Poetry Month.

And here are links to a few of my favorite poems:

Those Winter Sundays
Not waving but drowning
Ode to my socks
My favorite Shakespeare sonnet (number 130)
Noel: Christmas Eve, 1913 (This one is challenging to find online...most all links are for the John Denver song-version which, I think, cuts out a lot of the beauty of the poem)
For the Time Being
The More Loving One
An Irish Airman Forsees his Death
The Second Coming (that one I find very dark but I've been known to murmur the first few lines to myself whenever a particularly apocalyptic-seeming news story comes on)


Anonymous said...

Good stuff here. Thanks for reminding me of some old favorites.

Anonymous said...

Have you heard about Knopf publishing and their daily poetry email for the month of April? It may be of interest.